Have you ever run out of money before you ran out of unpaid bills? Over the last 35 years, I have heard all kinds of formulas and prayers for how to walk by faith for finances to pay your bills. Biblical Cash Flow solutions so to speak. Many of these ideas were actually unscriptural and offered by people who weren’t even in business. Most of them didn’t work for me, or anyone else that I know, for that matter. Since cash flow is king, and cash flow issues are the most predominant issue that any business will encounter, I want to present some techniques that are not only scriptural, but have worked for me and many others. As always, I am going to combine Kingdom principles with practical guidelines that will help your prosper and succeed in your kingdom business assignment. I’m going to tell you what works and what doesn’t work! If you’ve ever stared at a stack of unpaid invoices and tried to figure out which ones you should pay and which ones you should defer, and prayed that God would make this cash flow problem go away, then this video is for you!
Kingdom Business Success book: https://bit.ly/KBSBook2
Strategic Planning for Kingdom Businesses book: https://bit.ly/SPKBbookBHW
World Class Intercessors book: https://amzn.to/3RXPWcd
Grace on Trial book: https://amzn.to/3RVjib7
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